Federal Retirement Tips Blog (coming soon)

Hello, I’m Thea C,. Welcome to my Federal retirement blog, which will be coming soon. I retired from the Federal government under FERS in June of 2019 at age 56. I had a multitude of questions before I retired, and wasn’t always able to find the answers.  I decided to start this blog to pass on my experiences with particular aspects of Federal retirement. I plan to publish specific information that will help others who have questions about the FERS pension, income deductions, insurances, TSP, etc. I want this to be an interactive blog-discussion where we can all ask questions and find some answers.  I hope to have guest authors/speakers who may be able to help with subjects outside of my experience, like retirement for Federal employees with military service, law enforcement retirees, postal retirees, and other subjects. Thanks for visiting. Sign up for updates on this homepage, and I’ll let you know when the blog is “Live!”